Responses in line

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> On Aug 20, 2015, at 09:19, Sean Noonan <> wrote:
> Howdy!  I happen to be the maintainer of the module in question.  I'll
> answer inline...
>>> On 08/19/2015 08:09 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
>>> Control: submitter -1
>>> ...
>>> I think that it would be extremely helpful to include the spnego module
>>> in nginx builds.
>>> Source
>>> Risk considerations: this module is not enabled by default, which means
>>> that it should not affect nginx stability.
>> This says that it should not affect stability, but you say that the
>> module is not enabled.  That's a given, that it's not 'enabled' by
>> default, but the question here, in my opinion is not "Is it enabled by
>> default" but these:
>> (1) Does this compile correctly?
> I'd certainly hope so.  I periodically test against the current
> release of nginx, ensure -Wall -Werror is fine, and run things through
> the clang-analyzer.
>> (2) When compiled but not enabled, does it break any other functions
>> elsewhere?
> No.
>> (3) When compiled and enabled, does it work?
> If your configuration is correct, yes.
>> (4) When compiled and enabled, does it break any other functionality
>> elsewhere?
> No.
>> (5) How 'stable' is it when enabled and being used?  Does it cause
>> memory leaks?  Crashes?  etc.
> Very.  Not to my knowledge.  No crashes have been reported.
>> Another big question: Is this updated regularly to address bugs, and
>> other issues that may crop up in it?  Or is it mostly unmaintained now?
> Yes, it is updated as necessary, though I may not tag a release
> anywhere near as often as I should.  What makes you think it is
> unmaintained?

I see multiple requests over time.  I don't check if they're maintained myself, 
hence the question.  Doesn't mean I think it isn't, it means I'm checking by 
asking rather than checking myself since I have a lot of things to do.  That's 

>> Thomas

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