Hi Jeroen,

>Thanks for the comments. I think I have fixed most or all issues you 
>mentioned. I uploaded a new version and there were no warnings this 
>time. However please let me know if anything is still wrong or missing. 
>Version now is 1.3.8-1.

much, much better!
still a warning

in source build-depends: libglib2.0-dev, libglib2.0-dev
in source build-depends: libpango1.0-dev, libpango1.0-dev

and a missing build dependency (intltool is needed, in a clean environment it

doesn't configure otherwise).

Some questions:

I installed it, and it installed many xfce dependencies on my system.
The problem is that when I rebooted xfce isn't shown at the login screen.

I had to manually do an apt-get install xfce4 to have it (and install some
more stuff).

Well, is that an use-case you want to take care of?

that said, I installed xfce4, rebooted.

Where and how can I use your package? I don't see it anywhere

NOTE: I never used xfce, so please forgive my dumbness (and my lazyness
to look by myself about how to install it)



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