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On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 18:21:20 +0100, Dominik George wrote:
> The actual result is byobu wreaking havoc because it finds a running
> session in ~/.byobu and tries to join it.

I don't have an NFS home directory on a Debian host, but I have run
byobu on non-Debian systems with an NFS home directory and not had this
problem. I also don't see any files in ~/.byobu that indicate state.

> This fails at the point where
> it tries to get to its state in /dev/shm:
>   /usr/lib/byobu/include/dirs:52: no matches found: /dev/shm/byobu-nik-*
>   mkdir: cannot create directory „/cache.tmux“: Permission denied

The “no matches found” message hints to me (via codesearch.d.n) that you
may have zsh set as /bin/sh, is that correct? I'm not saying there's
anything wrong with that, but that may be provoking some unexpected
behavior here.

Can you try running with /bin/sh set temporarily to dash or bash and see
if the error goes away?



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