Package: tech-ctte
Severity: minor

Hi all,

following up after our latest tech-ctte IRC meeting [0], I propose to
hereby coordinate our decision-making process towards proposing two
candidate TC members to the DPL for a term starting in January next
year. I've re-used #769972's text from git as a proposed "call for
nominations" debian-devel-announce mail. I'll attach it to this bug as
discussion starter.



P.S. It'd be ideal if Don, as TC chair would send the mail, I'm just
structuring our list of things to achieve.
Subject: Call for nominations for technical committee seats

First and foremost, the technical committee would like to thank Bdale
Garbee and Steve Langasek for serving on the committee in addition to
their many other services to Debian. Given the newly introduced §6.2.7
"Term limit", both their terms will expire on December 31st 2015, and
there will be two empty seats which can be filled.

To fill this seat, we are soliciting nominations. To nominate yourself
or someone else, please send e-mail to
with the subject "CTTE Nomination of loginname", where loginname is
the nominee's Debian account login.[1] Please let us know in the body
of the e-mail why the nominee would be a good fit for the committee,
specifically instances where the nominee was able to help resolve
disagreements, both technical and non-technical, which you were a
party to or observer of.

We anticipate starting our selection process on or about the first of
December. After the selection, the committee will then recommend
nominees to the project leader, who may appoint the nominees (§6.2).

1: See if you need to look the login up

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