I'm not sure why you are offensive or why your attitude is like that.
Communication is important key to get changes to Debian. I am replying to this
bug item so that you receive more information about Debian security related
aspects. Please note that if you want some changes to Debian you need to create
bug item per issue or work with the team or package maintainer to get patches
applied. Offensive bug reports like this one does not probably get you to your

Please see for details:

- Team website: https://www.debian.org/security/
- Wiki page: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Security
- Meetings: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianSecurity/Meetings (latest meeting is 
yet listed in here, which was held in DebConf)
- IRC-channel: irc://irc.debian.org/debian-security
- FAQ: https://www.debian.org/security/faq
- List of security features:
https://wiki.debian.org/Security/Features (not complete)
- Embedded code copies: https://wiki.debian.org/EmbeddedCodeCopies

Most of the actual security tracking work is done in Debian security-tracker.
Please see:


Could you submit a bug to issue tracker about one issue at the time without
aggressive tone?

Henri Salo

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