On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 01:50 +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 15:34:17 +0100
> Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, we still need the output of \listfiles - or maybe just send the
> > complete logfile as an attachment, it shouldn't be too big.
> > 
> attached

Thanks. Just as Frank I can't reproduce your problem with the testfile
you provided. Comparing the log files, the main difference I have found
up to now is the version of beamer.cls and related packagges. You are
using sid, which has beamer version 3.06, while I am using sarge (with
teTeX 3 backport), which has beamer version 3.01.

Does this problematic behaviour depend on you using beamer? I am
attaching a simple testfile using the standard article.cls. This files
gives correct behaviour here with both pdflatex and latex+dvips+ps2pdf.
Does it work on your machine?



\section{section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1}

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