On Sunday 06 September 2015 18:04:59 Alexandre Viau wrote:
> Hello Dimitry,
> I have opened a PR upstream and it was merged:
> https://github.com/rainycape/unidecode/pull/5
> The package should now be ready for upload.

Great. :)

Please excuse me for being pedantic, but let's make few changes before upload 

1) Please restore patch headers. It is important to know what patch is for, 
who did it (and when) as well as "Forwarded" status which probably would be 
"not-needed" in this case.

2) In "rules"

  cp $(SOURCE)/table.txt _build/src/github.com/rainycape/unidecode/table.txt

seems too complicated -- it will be easier to write

  cp -v table.txt _build/src/$(DH_GOPKG)/

If you want full path you can use 

  cp -v $(CURDIR)/table.txt _build/src/$(DH_GOPKG)/

If you choose to use my suggestion you can also drop useless "TMP" and 
"SOURCE" variables.

Also I prefer to use "$(RM) -v" instead of "rm" for verbosity (but you don't 
have to do that). Verbose "cp" and "rm" are useful because they make custom 
logic more visible in build logs.

 Dmitry Smirnov.


I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are
sure of.
        -- Clarence Darrow

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