This ought to work, but there might be something going wrong with
routing socket updates.

Because krb5kdc implements a UDP service, it needs to either use
IPv4/IPv6 pktinfo support, or bind to specific interfaces instead of the
wildcard address, in order to send replies from the same address as it
received requests to.  Because Linux distributions require _GNU_SOURCE
to be defined for IPv6 pktinfo support (unlike every non-Linux
platform), and we don't define _GNU_SOURCE as part of our build before
krb5 1.13 because it changes the behavior of strerror_r() to be
non-POSIX, krb5 1.12.x doesn't use IPv6 pktinfo; instead it iterates
over the configured interfaces and binds to them specifically (omitting
the loopback interface, for dumb reasons).

We also bind to the routing socket, which is supposed to notify us when
network interfaces change.  We bind to the routing socket before
iterating over the local addresses, so I don't see any potential for a
race condition there.  So either something is going wrong with our code
to do that, or (less likely but not inconceivably) the kernel isn't
doing its job.

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