I updated the source to the latest git commit (dc4fb4c). Upstream will release 1.1 soon I think.

Here what I deleted from the source:

find . -name "*.vcxproj" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.vcxproj.filters" -type f -delete
rm -f -r ext/native/ext/libpng17 ext/native/ext/glew ext/native/ext/libzip ext/native/android/libs/com.bda.controller.jar ext/snappy ext/zlib ios pspautotests dx9sdk Windows Blackberry assets/ppge_atlas.zim assets/ui_atlas_lowmem.zim assets/ui_atlas.zim Core/Util/ppge_atlas.cpp Core/Util/ppge_atlas.h UI/ui_atlas.h UI/ui_atlas.cpp assets/Roboto-Condensed.ttf Tools/SaveTool/kernelcall.prx .travis.sh .travis.yml .ycm_extra_conf.py

android/ and ext/native/android/ should be deleted too, but ppsspp actually is using some files from there even in desktop (!). https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/7823

I had to add DroidSansThai.ttf in the assets/ folder, there's no package on debian with it.

Help are welcome in this package.


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