On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 09:14:39AM -0400, Phil Susi wrote:
> On 9/11/2015 7:46 AM, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> >That was my point, but unless you know the correct path to pass I'd
> >say not passing any PATH at all is better the passing an incorrect
> >one. If cryptmount sanitized the environment (if it did not want
> >the user to be in control of the environment) it would not run into
> >the problem you initially reported.
> I don't think it is cryptmount, but the fact that Debian still defaults to
> not including /sbin on the PATH for non root users.  Whichever package it is
> that is responsible for this is where this bug should be reassigned.

If we want to move the discussion into visions about the future instead
of what's currently practically achivable, the real solution would /not/
be to include /sbin in PATH by default. We should move to the One True<tm>
/usr/bin (and make every other location a symlink to it). That would
also kill all the pointless moving binaries around games played today.

I don't see that happening this week though and we should probably
not hold our breath on the original issue discussed in this bug report
until it happens. We need to have a temporary solution inbetween.

Andreas Henriksson

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