On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 10:12:04 +0200, Alexandre Detiste
<alexandre.deti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Usage of stdout vs stderr in lgogdownloader seems overly inconsistent;
> but that doesn't matter as the program correctly error out on a
> failed/impossible login.

Yup, I just used the same output as in the rest of the method.

> I'll add a "Suggests: lgogdownloader + Breaks: lgogdownloader (<< 2.25-2)"
> in G-D-P; checking version at run-time like it's done for apt 1.1 doesn't
> seems that usefull here; and this is the kind of package like "youtube-dl"
> that'll break at each unofficial web API change anyway.

lgogdownloader (<< 2.25-2~) if you want to allow backports :-).

> If someone wants to create backports of G-D-P,
> he should backport lgogdownloader as well.
> Am I right ? :-)

You are indeed!



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