Hello Stefan,

I have forward your bug and the first answer was:

> Mon Sep 28 15:54:38 2015, comment #1:
> What does the "extracted smbios file" look like? How was it generated?
> The DMI table is beyond the first MB of memory on this laptop. Unless
> you dumped all 4 GB of memory to the file, the table is not in it. The
> SIGBUS happens because mmap() is called beyond the end of the file (as
> documented in mmap(2).) 
> The problem here is that you are abusing option -d. If you want to
> keep a copy of the DMI table and/or decode the DMI table on a
> different machine, please use options --dump-bin and --from-dump which
> were introduced in dmidecode version 2.10 (November 2008.) Option -d
> only works reliably when operating on an actual device file.
Please can you check it?



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Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54526 Niederkail

Threema: SYR8SJXB

IRC: j_...@freenode.net

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

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