Hi Sergio,

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 08:12:23PM -0400, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:
> A quick look at Blends tells me that maybe this software could fit in
> the 'Medical data' task (because its purpose is to analyse the data
> generated by CPAP machines), although 'Tools' is a good option as well.

I turned this into a "Depends: sleepyhead" in the data task and a
"Suggests: sleepyhead" in tools.  In Blends a package can perfectly show
up in more than one task.  Once the packaging will show up in our VCS it
will be displayed on the according tasks pages under "Packaging has
started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS".
> > I would recommend maintaining the package in the Debian Med team and use
> > our VCS (either Git or SVN at your preference).  Here[2] you can find a
> > policy how to join the team and and what workflow we use.
> Sure, no problem.  I will make sure to subscribe to the mailing list and
> request membership of the Debian Med group on Alioth.

Fine.  Just let us know here on this list in case of any trouble.
> Thanks for the tips,

You are welcome



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