Package: lintian
Version: 2.5.38~bpo8+1
Severity: normal

With lintian 2.5.30+deb8u4 from jessie as well as with lintian
(nowadays outdated version) 2.5.35~bpo8+1 from jessie-backports
everything is fine:

% lintian --info foo.changes | grep -A13 copyright-without-copyright-notice
W: foo: copyright-without-copyright-notice
N:    The copyright file for this package does not appear to contain a
N:    copyright notice. You should copy the copyright notice from the upstream
N:    source (or add one of your own for a native package). A copyright notice
N:    must consist of Copyright, Copr., or the Unicode symbol of C in a circle
N:    followed by the years and the copyright holder. A copyright notice is
N:    not required for a work to be copyrighted, but Debian requires the
N:    copyright file include the authors and years of copyright, and including
N:    a valid copyright notice is the best way to do that. Examples:
N:      Copyright YYYY Firstname Lastname <>
N:      Copr. YYYY-YYYY Firstname Lastname <>
N:      © YYYY,YYYY Firstname Lastname <>

With lintian 2.5.38~bpo8+1 from jessie-backports the last "Firstname
Lastname" line has a broken encoding for the copyright character:

% lintian --info foo.changes | grep -A13 copyright-without-copyright-notice
W: foo: copyright-without-copyright-notice
N:    The copyright file for this package does not appear to contain a
N:    copyright notice. You should copy the copyright notice from the upstream
N:    source (or add one of your own for a native package). A copyright notice
N:    must consist of Copyright, Copr., or the Unicode symbol of C in a circle
N:    followed by the years and the copyright holder. A copyright notice is
N:    not required for a work to be copyrighted, but Debian requires the
N:    copyright file include the authors and years of copyright, and including
N:    a valid copyright notice is the best way to do that. Examples:
N:      Copyright YYYY Firstname Lastname <>
N:      Copr. YYYY-YYYY Firstname Lastname <>
N:      � YYYY,YYYY Firstname Lastname <>

I can reproduce this on multiple Debian/jessie systems.


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