Hey Adrian,

There are several lintian errors and warnings that you should get rid
of. Most notably, lintian complains about an embedded libpng:

E: ppsspp-sdl: embedded-library usr/games/ppsspp-sdl: libpng

It needs libpng >= 1.6, and it's only in the Experimental :/

Are there any ETA to see it in the Testing repo?

Only the SDL port has the libpng embedded, the Qt only uses it to compile the fonts (*.zim files),
so I can disable for now the SDL.

lintian also complains about unused paragraphs in the copyright file:

They are false positive I guess. The files are there, I don't know why it complains.

As well as the extended description being too short:

Will see that.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sergio Benjamim

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