And Dominique Dumont spoke unto the world. And said:
>I can't even build Linenoise with panda. panda hangs while trying to fetch 
>Aynway, I've realised that rakuo-star is delivered with quite a bunch of core 
>Perl6 modules.
>Unfortunately, these modules are not provided in pure rakudo tarballs and 
>hence are missing from Debian rakudo package.
>Before panda, may be we should package theses modules...


Yes, I agree packaging modules is probably a good idea. But panda is
not dependent on Rakudo-Star - when building from rakudobrew you first
build the backend (eg. moarvm) and the rakudo Perl6 implementation;
then you buld panda and as the last step you use panda to install

That said, I know there has been some problems building Linenoise from
time to time if you don't find matching versions.

>Should we:
>- bundle them with rakudo ? (how ?)

No, I don't think so.

>- create a perl6-core-modules package that bundle them ? 
> see for the list
>- package them individually ? (dependency hell is possible)

A combination maybe? Individual packages and a rakudo-star meta
package that depends on versions known to work together.

>Thoughts ?

Yes, those were my thoughts. Feel free to adopt or disregard them at
your discretion. ;)

Jonas Linde <> - - +46-707-492496

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