On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:37:58AM +0200, miguel wrote:
> V1 1 0 DC 10V
> ^ ? what's this?

you are not running in spice ("batch") mode, while instanciating a spice
component. this will not work as you expect. try the -b switch to "run"
the spice deck.

gnucap without the switches is ran in interactive mode. try something
$ gnucap
gnucap-spice>V1 1 0 DC 10V

> v 20130925 2
> C 40000 40000 0 0 0 title-B.sym
> C 44000 47700 1 90 0 resistor-1.sym
> [..]

there's some work in progress to read/write geda netlists. gnetlist (and
spice-sdb) is generally unneeded (and confusing). watch out for the
"gnucap-geda" extensions.

have fun

PS: please consider the gnucap-user mailing list for questions on usage.

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