Dear Michael,

> I couldn't quite follow what you try to achieve here. I.e. which
> processes or services you want to confine and why. And what exactly
> you did.
> Would be great if you can be a bit more verbose on that.

I am using cgrulesengd from package cgroup-tools to group each user's
processes together: each user in a separate group, most with cpu.shares
default 1024, some users with higher shares. The intent is "fair"
sharing of CPU resources on compute servers. - Though, I do not think
this is "relevant" here: any use of cgroups (outside of systemd) would
be affected.

> Please test if this issue is still reproducible with 227 from unstable
> and if so, file the issue at

Sorry I do not think I can do that, not easily enough: I do not think I
can install 227 on jessie, can I? (Of course I could upgrade one box to
unstable and try that way...)

Cheers, Paul

Paul Szabo
School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of Sydney    Australia

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