Le jeudi 29 octobre 2015 à 10:10 +0000, Chris Lamb a écrit :
> >  - made its rights 777
> Why?

Because I did not know the purpose, so at least I was sure that
everybody could use the file.

> >  - restarted the redis with "bash -x"
> Why? You are using systemd - use the system service restart
> mechanism.

Because I thought you would like to compare.

> Oh, you will probably need to poke systemd into re-reading its
> configuration files too so it recognises this file exists.

Indeed, it needs to be reloaded. So finally, here is what I did:
 - created the file (letting the normal rights)
 - used "# systemctl daemon-reload"
 - rebooted (maybe I could also have used "# systemd-tmpfiles", but I  
   do not understand it enough)

It works, and the .pid and .socket files can now be written in the
right place:

# ls -ld /var/run/redis/
drwxrwsr-x 2 redis redis 40 oct.  29 11:36 /var/run/redis/


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