1. I got Ark 4.13.3 sources from Ubuntu 14.04 and rebuilt 
ark_4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb under Debian 8.2 (with Debian's compiler and 
the rest of build-deps)
   Then I installed it over Ark 4.14.2, and it worked well and shown me 
Cyrillic filenames
   (initially I just copied Ark bins+libs+.desktop files from Ubuntu to Debian, 
and this worked too)
2. I noticed that when I reinstall Ark 4.14.2 back (by simple dpkg -i), it 
probably uses old libraries cached open by some KDE process (and still shows me 
Cyrillic names)
   I need to either run 'aptitude reinstall ark' or to logoff/logon back into 
KDE session. After that, Cyr.names are gone.
3. I reviewed 'diff -r' between Ubuntu and Debian Ark sources and found only 
minor differences which for me did not indicate any kind of potential charset 

   Can you please look into this with your more specialistic eyes ? I can send 
you this problematic .zip archive on your individual requests.
   Thanks in advance for your replies.

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