On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 06:34:12PM +0100, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:
> On 12.11.2015 15:27, Dylan Thurston wrote:
> > This is a followup on Bug #798991. rubber no longer crashes when the
> > bibliography is a symbolic link as described there, but it doesn't
> > work correctly either: it keeps rerunning bibtex, regardless of
> > whether the bibliography has changed or not. Here's a minimal example;
> > note how many times bibtex was run.
> > 
> Sorry, I'm failing to reproduce exactly this here. For me it doesn't make any
> difference whether the bib db is a symbolic link or not.

Indeed, that's correct, I should have checked. Also the "touch" was
unnecessary: LaTeX gets run again whenever rubber is called; see
below. (Does the '-f' flag still do anything?)

> So, one could argues this to be a bug, for now I lower the severity to minor.

That's fine, I was thinking of submitting it that way anyway. It does
seem funny that at least one compilation is always run, even on really
minimal documents.


dpt@tulip:/tmp/test$ ls
auto  test.bib  test-link.bib  t.tex
dpt@tulip:/tmp/test$ cat t.tex

This is a test. Citation: Kerckhoff \cite{Kerckhoff80:AsympTeich}


dpt@tulip:/tmp/test$ rubber t
compiling t.tex...
running: bibtex t.aux...
compiling t.tex...
running: bibtex t.aux...
compiling t.tex...
dpt@tulip:/tmp/test$ rubber t
compiling t.tex...
running: bibtex t.aux...

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