
the crash log contains a very interesting detail - you killed aa-status 
while it worked on the profile
(the line was shortened when python created the crash log, there were 
probably more null-* nesting levels)

Those null-* profiles are used in complain mode to track exec events.
In your case, there must have been *lots of* exec events, which leads to 
*lots of* those null-* profiles, nested as deep as the exec chain goes.

Please provide the output of
    wc -l /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles
    time aa-status   # be patient, please ;-)

I'm quite sure aa-status is _not_ in an endless loop - it's "just" busy 
with reading a very long list of profiles.

That said - we are probably wasting CPU cycles if you only check for 
--enabled. That's not really noticable with 50 or 100 profiles loaded, 
but with > 1000 profiles (in your case mostly null-*) it might take some 
I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1516400 for that.

BTW: Do you really have a profile for /usr/bin/python2.7? That's probably 
a bad idea ;-) and I seriously recommend to delete and unload it (unless 
you have a _very good_ reason for what you are doing).

The usual recommendation is to create a profile for the python scripts, 
and then have an ix (inherit) rule for the python interpreter. (This 
also means you have to run those scripts using "./myscript.py", not 
"python myscript.py".)


Christian Boltz
So we have unequivocal proof that I'm more dangerous to my own machine
than any of the updates we've rolled out to Tumbleweed in the last 14
months. [Richard Brown in opensuse-factory]

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