Hey Paride,

Am Montag, den 16.11.2015, 17:08 +0100 schrieb Paride Legovini:
> I uploaded 2.018 to mentors a few days ago, is any other action
> required
> from my part? Perhaps I should have pinged you !about this! If there
> is
> any problem let me know.

Just leave a note on the pkg-fonts list or in the bug requesting the
new upstream version that you have already prepared a package and where
it can be found. We are not automatically informed if updated packages
a uploaded to mentors.d.o.

> I'm currently not maintaining the package in a git repository, as it
> is
> quite simple, but I agree it's a good idea to move it to a Debian git
> repo.

Let's get this version into unstable first, then we can take care of
the git repo. I'll have a look at it tomorrow.



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