On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 03:23:59AM -0800, Vincent Cheng wrote:
>> I've checked your package and I don't see any update-initramfs
>> calls. Please add one, if you consider f2fs to be a likely/sensible
>> option as a base (/ or /usr) filesystem. If you'd like help doing that
>> postinst work, I can supply a patch - just ask!
>Yep, this sounds like a valid use case (e.g. my Raspberry Pi uses a
>f2fs-formatted root filesystem).
>All that's needed here is an unconditional call to "update-initramfs
>-u" on postinst and postrm, right? Just to make sure I get this right,
>would you be able to point me to another package that does the right
>thing here (or even a patch if you have time)? Thanks!

Sure, no problem. As you've guessed, what I've done for other packages
is trivial - see the debdiff in #804247 for reiserfsprogs as an

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra

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