I've just released version 0.10.1. Beyond the program features unrelated
to packaging, I've made a few packaging changes, compared to the state a
few days ago:

* Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org>, who maintains Ubuntu's shim
  package, has stated that public keys are not subject to copyright
  (which I'd gathered from other sources, too), and has suggested
  omitting explicit mention of them from the debian/copyright file.
  I've followed this advice, which clears up the last of the lintian
  errors and warnings. If somebody who reviews the package objects,
  we can add back the information we had before and omit the
  remaining keys. Since the maintainer of Ubuntu's shim package
  has suggested this solution, though, I'd like to run with it.
* I've tweaked a few files in the debian directory on my own git
  archive and in the tarball release to reflect my own PPA needs.
  The biggest of these is debian/changelog, but I've also made a
  couple of changes to debian/control. I figure these differences
  can be handled via diffs when creating the official Debian
  package. If that's a problem, then I'm sure we can work something
  out. If necessary, I'll do a release with Debian packaging
  tweaks and we can base the first Debian release off of it.

I think that's about it. Unless there are other outstanding issues. I'm
ready to push this version for inclusion in Debian! Tianon, if you can
advise me on the next step, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Rod Smith

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