On Wed, 09 Dec 2015 19:02:54 +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:

> Thanks for the recipe. I looked into this a bit, and replacing 'use
> Net::MAC::Vendor' with 'use EV' triggers it too. Apache dies with SIGSEGV,
> backtrace below. It goes away if libev-perl is built with EV_NO_ATFORK
> defined, so it's the __register_atfork() call in EV.xs:541 or so that
> causes it somehow. Presumably the event loop hooking into fork() breaks
> when it's mod_perl2 doing the forking.

So maybe we should just set the EV_NO_ATFORK define? Works with a

       EV_EXTRA_DEFS="-DEV_NO_ATFORK" dh_auto_configure

Pushing to git now but waiting for further comments ... 


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