Hi there!

 Long time no hear!  Hope you haven't given up hope. :)   According to
upstream your bugreport might have been fixed with 0.8.17-1 which is
available in the pool for most releases (either directly or through
backports).  Can you try to reproduce it with that newer upstream
release, and if so produce a backtrace to look at?

 Thanks, and happy season greetings.

* Grant Bowman <grant...@gmail.com> [2012-02-01 03:14:21 CET]:
> Package: irssi
> Version: 0.8.15-2
> Steps:
> 1. Create a 109x40 terminal locally.
> 2. ssh to my Debian squeeze 0.6.2 server.
> 3. Run tmux. Installed version is 1.3-2+squeeze1
> 4. In a tmux screen run irssi.
> 5. Detach from tmux, logout.
> 6. Login several days later and run tmux attach-session.
> 7. irssi seems to continually redraw the screen and will not accept
> commands. It is still running and logging to disk.
> Other info:
> $ uname -a
> Linux <hostname> 2.6.27 #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 17:16:12 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
> $ dpkg -s libc6 | grep ^Version
> Version: 2.11.2-10

Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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