Source: vsftpd
Severity: normal
Tags: patch

Dear Maintainer,

unlike the shell command realpath(1), the library call realpath(3) is not
specified to canonize not yet existing paths. It will rather return an ENOENT
error code if a filename does not exist.

The library call realpath(3) is used by the original implemenation of the
function vsf_filename_passes_filter[ls.c:258]. This function backs the access
checkers implemented in access.c. As a non-existing file cannot be matched in
the original implementation, the deny_file option becomes ineffective for
uploading fresh files. For instance: even though deny_file=*.doc, an
example.doc may initially be uploaded. On the other hand, it may not be updated
once the file actually exists.

The appended patch implements a more intuitive behavior. It provides a custom
wrapper for the realpath(3) library call, which also tries to canonize the
isolated directory part of a non-existing path. If this step is successful, a
canonized path with the original basename is constructed. Otherwise, the match,
indeed, fails.

The provided patch:
 - implements the custom wrapper for realpath(3), and
    -> sysutil.h, sysutil.c
 - uses this wrapper in vsf_filename_passes_filter.
    -> ls.c

Note that the implemented vsf_sysutil_realpath() wrapper function allows to
turn off the directory-based canonization by deasserting the parameter
may_be_fresh. Ultimately, this feature may be used for an optimized handling
of calls from access checkers as vsf_access_check_file_visible(), which
would never create a fresh file anyhow.


Description: realpath wrapper to match not yet existing files in deny_file and 
Author: Thomas B. Preußer <>
Last-Update: 2015-12-23
This patch header follows DEP-3:
Index:  ls.c

--- vsftpd.orig/ls.c
+++ vsftpd/ls.c
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
   /* normalize filepath */
   path = str_strdup(p_filename_str);
-  normname = realpath(path, NULL);
+  normname = vsf_sysutil_realpath(path, 1);
   if (normname == NULL)
      goto out;
   str_alloc_text(&normalize_filename_str, normname);
--- vsftpd.orig/sysutil.c
+++ vsftpd/sysutil.c
@@ -988,6 +988,51 @@
   return rename(p_from, p_to);
+vsf_sysutil_realpath(char const *path, int may_be_fresh)
+  { /* existing paths must resolve right away */
+    char *const  resolved = realpath(path, NULL);
+    if ((resolved != NULL) || (errno != ENOENT) || !may_be_fresh)
+    {
+      return  resolved;
+    }
+  }
+  { /* try to resolve directory part */
+    char const *filename = strrchr(path, '/');
+    char const *resolved_dir;
+    if(filename == NULL)
+    {
+      filename     = path;
+      resolved_dir = realpath(".", NULL);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      char const *original_dir;
+      filename++;
+      original_dir = strndup(path, filename-path);
+      resolved_dir = realpath(original_dir, NULL);
+      free((void*)original_dir);
+    }
+    if(resolved_dir == NULL)  return  NULL;
+    /* compose path from resolved directory and filename */
+    size_t  dir_len = strlen(resolved_dir);
+    char *resolved;
+    /* empty root as slash is added anyways */
+    if (dir_len == 1)  dir_len == 0;
+    resolved = (char*)malloc(dir_len+strlen(filename)+2);
+    strcpy(resolved, resolved_dir);
+    free((void*)resolved_dir);
+    resolved[dir_len] = '/';
+    strcpy(resolved+dir_len+1, filename);
+    return  resolved;
+  }
 struct vsf_sysutil_dir*
 vsf_sysutil_opendir(const char* p_dirname)
--- vsftpd.orig/sysutil.h
+++ vsftpd/sysutil.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 int vsf_sysutil_rmdir(const char* p_dirname);
 int vsf_sysutil_chdir(const char* p_dirname);
 int vsf_sysutil_rename(const char* p_from, const char* p_to);
+char* vsf_sysutil_realpath(char const *path, int may_be_fresh);
 struct vsf_sysutil_dir;
 struct vsf_sysutil_dir* vsf_sysutil_opendir(const char* p_dirname);

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