Severity: wishlist


at the moment the status Blocked (X) is used for several different

* dependency failed testing
* dependency uninstallable
* dependency does not exist

In the piuparts column on DDPO, all these are shown as 'X'.

As a maintainer, I'd like to see only problems on my DDPO page that I
could do something about. That means I wouldn't normally care about
dependencies failing or being uninstallable (I could see that problem
when looking at the DDPO or piuparts page for that package), but I
would certainly care about my dependencies not being there at all
because then I need to fix my package.

Could we hence make "dependency does not exist" use a different
status? What about "Missing (M)"?

The plan would be not to show Waiting (W) and Blocked (X) on DDPO
anymore by default (or less scary, W looks a lot like Warning and X
like Bad ThinXs happening), so the remaining, effectively bad status
values would receive more attention from maintainers.[*]

(I can probably try to produce a patch, but given the status values
are likely used in a gazillion of places, I would probably break more
than someone familiar with the code.)


[*] I've certainly started to treat Piuparts notifications on DDPO
with less priority personally because the SNR there isn't optimal.
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