
> I just switched to gtk-3, and pushed the new release on unstable.
Sadly, I found additional bugs with (a) python2 and (b) with the udisks1
backend. Trying to get that fixed in the next 2-3 days, sorry for the

> udiskie-mount and udiskie-umount still work, and now launching udiskie from 
> console doesn't show any bad error.
> However I don't see the icon come up, not sure if because I don't have any 
> disk attached or because some runtime dependency is missing...
> Thomas, can you enlight me?

Did you start udiskie with `--tray`?
Under which environment are you running? I've already noticed that
ubuntu doesn't show the systray anymore. They replaced it with a similar
notification area for which a different API (AppIndicator) must be used.

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