Hi Andreas,

> I added the patch from SVN as quilt patch[1] and tried to trigger this
> in debian/rules[2] - but the latter has no effect.

It looks like there are more than one changes on the CMake file since
the last release. Sorry for that confusion.

> I also have no idea where to install theses cmake files.

By using CMake instead of qmake, the cmake files will be installed in:



> To exlain the situation:  I personally have no experience with cmake and
> was simply sponsering the package prepared by Erik.  Unfortunately Erik
> seems to have no time / lost interest.  So if you could provide a
> working patch this would be really great - otherwise I probably need to
> redirect the issue to debian-mentors list.

Ok, I'm working on it! If the upstream author provides a correct working
CMakeList.txt file, cmake is much easiert to handle. Shell I simply
uploaded a new version, which uses cmake instead of qmake, to

Unfortunately there is one problem, CMake does not work correctly with
0.7.1 of quazip. It looks like that the upstream author prepares a new
release, see: http://sourceforge.net/p/quazip/code/265/

Would it be ok, to provide a debian build based on the last development
snapshot  (libquazip_0.7.1+r266-1), which is almost stable or would it
be better to make a debian package based on the last release 0.7.1
[r250] and patch all CMake related changes?

Kind regards,

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