On 14 January 2016 at 12:29, Frank Heckenbach <f.heckenb...@fh-soft.de> wrote:
>> What if instead of this service, you add an:
>> After=swap.target
>> To your tmp.mount ?
> Doesn't work. Also, systemctl still lists tmp.mount before the swap
> targets, which means (I suppose) it will be stopped after them.
> I thought maybe swap.target is just a virtual target that depends on
> the actual swap targets, so I should put them there, but it also
> doesn't work. Or do I need to quote the names differently?
> After=dev-disk-by\x2duuid-01db9e17\x2d60e5\x2d428c\x2dbbbf\x2dfd817e2f1ec9.swap
>  dev-disk-by\x2duuid-740bd0c3\x2da38f\x2d4732\x2d9120\x2da88b78f889a6.swap 
> dev-disk-by\x2duuid-8178b5f7\x2d410f\x2d46c4\x2da4c3\x2d5003af570dbc.swap 
> dev-disk-by\x2duuid-fe4e8739\x2d2114\x2d4994\x2d9ada\x2d2bf7b275e42e.swap

Due to the other bug I linked, this may not be sufficient. Please list
all the swap units listed in

% systemctl list-units '*.swap'

You'll see that there are multiple units each of the different ways
you can access the underlying partition (by uuid, did, wwm and sdX

I don't think you need to quote differently.


Felipe Sateler

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