2016-01-14 15:59 GMT+01:00 Ivan Sergio Borgonovo <ivan....@gmail.com>:
> On 01/14/2016 03:48 AM, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I think I got it...


> What really get executed is:
> SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname IN ('"$user"','
>           public')
> In the actual SQL statement there is an extra white space before public!
> The problem should be here
> foreach (explode(',', $this->getSchemaSearchPath()) as $p) {
>   $schemas[] = $this->quote($p);
> }
> $p should be trimmed before. Anyway I find this way error prone.
> I don't know if this went under the radar just because pg is seldom used
> with horde. I still don't get why moving from one update to the other didn't
> trigger this problem.
> It's a pretty long time I havent written more than a couple of lines in PHP
> and I'm not that familiar with the horde codebase.
> Sorry for thinking the problem was in packaging and not upstream.
> I initially thought it was a problem of mixed versions in the repo.
> BTW if you're going to report the bug upstream a more standard way to get
> the visible tables would be:
> SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ANY
> This omit the $user schema if there is no $user schema... so it shows what
> can *actually* be seen from the current search_path
> CURRENT_SCHEMAS() is available at least starting from pg 8.0 and
> information_schema is supported from 7.4
> Postgres 8.0 is over 10 years old.
> This method could be used even to retrieve indexes() so to completely get
> rid of getSchemaSearchPath()
> Otherwise, let me know if I've to report it upstream and if you know... to
> which horde component.

Can you propose a PR? There are at least two usages of this pattern:

Propose the CURRENT_SCHEMAS() pattern first. And post the PR here.


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