On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 10:38:26 +1300 martin f krafft <madd...@debian.org>
> Following my install of vim-ultisnips, I cannot use Vim anymore.
> I did not even use vim-addons to enable the addon.
> For any document I open, once I enter insert mode and type as much
> as a single character, I get a traceback from Ultisnips (see below).

I'm unable to reproduce this in a clean sid chroot. Did you have an
older version of vim-ultisnips installed before?

What is the output of `vam status ultisnips`?

Does the directory ~/.vim/snippets exist?

Do you have any other snippet managers installed for vim, e.g. vim-
snipmate? Anything through pathogen/vundle/...?

Michael Fladischer

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