[Resending with the bug number included this time.]

On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 02:20:11PM +0200, Michael Vogt wrote:
> Package: pwgen
> Version: 2.07-1
> A friend of mine stumbled over the issue that:
> $ pwgen  --no-vowels  --no-capitalize
> and
> $ pwgen  --no-capitalize --no-vowels
> give different results. The later does include captialized
> results while the former does not. I was expecting no upper
> cases in both cases.

I noticed the same thing with --no-numerals (AKA -0).

> The attached patch fixes this. Alternative the documentation for
> --no-vowels could maybe improved to mention that it turns on
> Thanks,
>  Michael

> --- pwgen-2.07.orig/pwgen.c
> +++ pwgen-2.07/pwgen.c
> @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
>                       break;
>               case 'v':
>                       pwgen = pw_rand;
> -                     pwgen_flags |= PW_NO_VOWELS | PW_DIGITS | PW_UPPERS;
> +                     pwgen_flags |= PW_NO_VOWELS | PW_DIGITS;

This shouldn't include PW_DIGITS either; it should *only* turn on

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