On 18 Jan, 2016, at 10:04, Dmitry Smirnov <only...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 09:16:25 AM Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki wrote:
>>> This is unfair to suggest that LizardFS do not strive to have reliable
>>> product.
>> Maybe they want, but they do not have it. Number of issues in they github
>> is huge (of course since we do not have public bug track we can't compare
>> :) )
> Number of bugs is not a metric of quality.


> Remember that bugs are also items 
> on developers' TO DO list.
> I reported more LizardFS bugs than anyone else (up to 100) and I'm using 
> LizardFS because it survived vigorous testing.

Did you ever tried huge installations? 3PB, 100mln of files?

> Bugs are also different: some 
> are feature requests, some are not critical for data integrity etc.
> I'm not aware of release-critical bugs without fix but of course there might 
> be some.
>> Hence I'm in favour of LizardFS.

Your choice. I don't have problem with that, but please don't be against us.

>> I hope that it will change some day. Did you even try to test MooseFS 3.0?
>> Compare to LizardFS?
> So far I've seen no compelling reasons to switch away from LizardFS - not 
> until MooseFS become more open. At the moment IMHO LizardFS is the only 
> choice (and GfarmFS is close second). Also I have no time to try MooseFS. 
> Maybe one day I'll try it but I'll have to justify the effort...

So you shouldn't say bad words about MooseFS. We test LizardFS (and others - 
like Ceph, Gluster etc.) on regular basis.

I understand that it is time-consuming, but I hope that you will find time in 
the future and give it a try.

>> If you need PRO licence to do some test then let me know - We will send it.
> Thank you for your kind offer but no. :) I will only evaluate what's free and 
> suitable for Debian.

ok. :)

>> Simple example of LizardFS wrongdoings. First change they made was to
>> accept chunks with bigger version than version set in master. Chunk
>> version mismatch was in this case for a reason. This can lead to
>> acceptance chunk with wrong data inside. They change it because there were
>> problems with version synchronization (problem originated from original
>> MooseFS). To fix that you should fix synchronization, not just accept
>> everything.
> Interesting, thank you.
>> Maybe because huge part of our users are also Debian users and you may want
>> to make their life easier.
> Makes sense.
>> I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but
>> we have in Poland new government chosen in democratic poll, and they are
>> just ... stupid (horribly stupid and radical).
> I feel your pain. I feel ashamed of our Australian government. :(
> Popularity polls are poor foundation for decision making. But as Winston 
> Churchill once said, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of 
> government except all the others that have been tried."...


>> I didn't know that. Can you help us to improve that (I understand that you
>> do not have time and don't want to involve, but maybe there is some
>> documentation, some hints - how to improve that)?
> Here you can find some generic links to documents describing packaging for 
> Debian:
>    http://mentors.debian.net/qa
> Lintian checks (including pedantic and experimental ones) provide useful 
> hints for areas that can benefit from improvements.
> Also you can refer to official LizardFS packaging which have numerous 
> improvements over "upstream" packaging: 
>    https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/lizardfs.git
> Feel free to ask questions in mentor's mail list. If you CC to me I'll try to 
> answer as well if time allows.

Thanks a lot. This is very helpful, we will check that. I remember porting to 
official freebsd ports - PITA, but what to do. There are rules and we 
(developers) should obey them.

>> This is your decision who you are helping. If you believe in them then help
>> them, but at least try not to be against us. I'm still inventor of MooseFS
>> and I hope that I still make a good job with MooseFS.
> I'm not agains you or MooseFS. Even though at the moment I'm in favour of 
> LizardFS I'm sure LizardFS would not be where it is now without solid 
> foundation of MooseFS.

Thanks for saying that, because at the beginning I had a feeling that you are 
against us.

We are still making this solid foundation (i hope :) ).

> -- 
> All the best,
> Dmitry Smirnov.
> ---
> Odious ideas are not entitled to hide from criticism behind the human
> shield of their believers' feelings.
>        -- Richard Stallman

Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki
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