Hi Pietro,

Thanks for the quick reply!

On 19/01/2016 23:41, Pietro Abate wrote:
> This change was indeed intentional.

Thanks for the confirmation!

> Mehdi, where are these places in the code that still expect "src:" ?
> I've removed this prefix from all the yaml output. I didn't really
> check if some input require the package to be prefixed with "src:",
> but it shouldn't be...

Only did a quick grep:

% git grep -n "\"src:" **/*.ml
applications/deb-buildcheck.ml:182:          let (name,filter) = 
Debian.Debutil.debvpkg to_cudf (("src:"^n,a),c) in
deb/debcudf.ml:343:    if String.starts_with pkg#name "src:" then
deb/sources.ml:235:  let sn = CudfAdd.encode ("src:"^(CudfAdd.get_property 
"source" binpkg)) in
deb/tests.ml:875:      "any/native", "src:source1", returns [
deb/tests.ml:883:      "stage1", "src:source2", returns [
deb/tests.ml:892:      "indep", "src:source3", returns [

Are those occurences expected?

> For this release, I also re-wrote the yaml printer from scratch and
> there might still be a few problems here and there... In particular
> dependency chains, when there is more then one path from a package to
> a dependency problem (missing package or conflict), are not all
> explicitly printed/expanded as before. Instead I just print one path.
> Please let me know how I can help. This tool is for the debian
> community :) I'll be at fosdem at the end of the month, if you want to
> have a face to face chat.
> p


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