control: unmerge -1
control: reassign -1 src:imagemagick

  Reassigning this bug to imagemagick. There are two problems:

  * the problem with the alternatives
  * the problem with dir to symlink

  The latter is clearly a dpkg bug (already reported), but the former
is an imagemagick bug, and should be tracked separately.

  Bastien, I'm handling the alternatives problem right now. Shall we
revert the dir-to-symlink change as of now ?



On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 5:19 PM, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson <> wrote:
>>> BTW, you show a very long list of warning messages, did they stop by
>>> themselves ? If yes, I'm very curious why.
> Oops I'm sorry I neglected to truncate them for my bug post.
> No I had to use ^C to stop them.

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