tags 808176 + help

The package is being packaged under the umbrella of the
Debian Python Modules Team, which I am now part of.

The package is almost done. The current state can be
found at the team's VCS[1].

Right now I am stalled, as I can't get the tests to pass
when building in a chroot (pbuilder).

The tests require a neovim instance running as server, so for
example one can use `dtach` to run nvim, and run the tests
against it. This already works outside of pbuilder, but I fail
to reproduce it in pbuilder. A simplified example of what is
needed, without proper cleansing after the tests would be:

>       # start a detached session with a nvim server:
>       export NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=$(dtmp)/nvim-socket
>       dtach -n $(dtmp)/dtach-socket env TERM=vt100 nvim
>       dh_auto_test


[1]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/python-modules/packages/python-neovim.git

Víctor Cuadrado juan
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