
Dne 30.1.2016 v 18:49 Guy Durrieu napsal(a):
> I never did anything manually on the phpadmin database.
> Probably I prevously had installed the 4: version; all worked
> fine until the last upgrade (4:4.5.4-1 yesterday); now debian only
> proposes as possible alternative.

Okay, it seems that phpmyadmin can do auto upgrade of the tables when
accessed with enough privileges. This seems to collide with dbconfig
upgrade we're using. I need to figure out best approach to handle this.

To workaround this for now, you can execute following query:

ALTER TABLE `pma__column_info`
  DROP `input_transformation`,
  DROP `input_transformation_options`;

And the upgrade should work.

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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