Hi, lets do another spin.

(the correct way is *you* doing the work, uploading on mentors and asking for 
sponsorship :) )

default minimal key mapping         : yes
default minimal key bindings        : yes
default configuration file builtin  : yes
resize optimizations                : yes
system,popen calls wrappers enabled : yes
will allow push of directories      : yes
will recurse directories (-R switch): yes
patch for running under screen      : yes
~/.fimrc startup file support       : yes
~/.fim_history load/save support    : yes
autocommands enabled                : yes
hardcoded PSF font (FBFONT=fim://)  : yes
will read image files from stdin(-i): yes
GNU regexps (default is Posix)      :*no
seek magic signatures               :*no
customizable status bar             : yes
use C++11 constructs (internals)    : no
readline (-lrl) library support     : yes
use 'xcftopnm' for XCF files        :*no
use 'inkscape' for SVG files        : no
use 'fig2dev' for FIG files         : no
use 'convert' for unrecognized files:*no
use 'exiftool' for EXIF tags in JPEG:*no
framebuffer (built-in) support      : yes
X        (sdllib) support (-o sdl)  : yes
ASCII art (aalib) support (-o aa)   : no
X        (Imlib2) support(-o imlib2):*no
coloured ASCII art (cacalib) support:*no
EXIF (JPEG) tags support (libexif)  : yes
BMP      file support (builtin)     : yes
JP2 (JPEG-2K) file support (JasPer) : no
PCX      file support (builtin)     : yes
PNG      file support (libpng)      : yes
JPEG     file support (libjpeg)     : yes
TIFF     file support (libtiff)     : yes
GIF      file support (libgif)      : yes
DJVU     file support (libdjvu)     :*yes
PDF      file support (libpoppler)  :*no
PS       file support (libspectre)  :*no
NEF/RAW  file support (libufraw)    :*no
TAR/ZIP/.. file support (libarchive):*no
GraphicsMagick support (libGraphicsMagick):*no

libaa1-dev is already a build-dependency, but for some reasons is not enabled.
Since it is not an experimental feature, why shouldn't it be automagically 
detected when bits are in place
and installed on the system?

and BTW does it work with sdl2?



Il Mercoledì 17 Febbraio 2016 8:38, Michele Martone <dezper...@autistici.org> 
ha scritto:
On 20160216@19:54, Antoine Beaupré wrote:

> ...
> Unfortunately, it's unlikely that I will be able to do anything until
> march at this point.
> Next time I import pics from my camera, I am more likely to get
> involved, if all goes to plan. :)
> Say mid march.
> A.

Ok Antoine -- You are postponing to mid-march.
Just please don't forget that I've posted yesterday the tarball for
solving this "bug". So at the next time you package 
the "bug" shall be solved :-)

Now that the lion's share of the packaging has been solved by
Gianfranco, you guys can of course tell me of any procedure that I can
use yo ease updates of fim in cases like this.
Your time permitting, of course :-)

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