On 20/02/16 16:39, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hi, 
> On Sat Feb 20, 2016 at 13:25:33 +0000, Andy Simpkins wrote:
>> Dear Martin,
>> You have marked the suggested move from format 1 to format 3 as "won't
>> fix",.
>> As part of the Cambridge BSP JMW has uploaded a fix for #799702, this
>> would not have arisen had ed been using format 3 packaging.
>> Is there a specific reason for not moving to format 3, or should we
>> apply this move as well?
> is there a reason that does not allow to stay with package format
> version 1? i would like to stay with version 1 with this package?
> Beside that, all my packages are on low-NMU except ed. I would like to
> have seen that respected or at least a delay-3 upload.
> Thanks,
> Martin


Many thanks for the fast response.

That adds the context I was looking for.  I'll leave the bug report alone.

Best regards,


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