Jörg Sommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Frank,
> Frank Küster schrieb am Tue 10. Jan, 10:39 (+0100):
>> Jörg Sommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Did you ever discuss this issue in debian-devel?
>> Yes, and it's clear that it's not a bug to fail if the local admin
>> refuses to update the configuration
> It's legal that the package installation fails? 

You've been asked, you've been given the opportunity to view the diff,
and you chose.  You can even fix the problem manually instead of
reporting a bug.

> Why you don't refuse to
> install, e.g. the preinstall script should check and fail or bring a
> warning

The preinst script is run before you decide about the conffiles.

> and the postinst should not run the hazardous parts and the admin
> must do it by hand (i.e. call dpkg-reconfigure tex-common or update-XY).

No, in future versions the postinst script (of tex-common) will check
for essential entries and fail with a user-friendly message if some are
missing or wrong.  That's our service to users (and to us...).  But it's
impossible to change the postinst script to not run the problematic
parts and *not* fail, since a succeeding postinst script tells dpkg that
the package is ready to use, which it wouldn't be.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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