I just stumbled on the same bug on stable, strace didn't look like the
right tool so I went debugging it -the gtk UI is a python application so
it's just a matter of using pdb or ipdb- and noticed that spawned redshift
process was dying immediately.

As the OP I was able to run redshift in CLI but In order to do that I had
to manually provide geographical coordinates using the -l option, then
again I was calling redshift-gtk without any option.
The redshift-gtk spawns a redshift child process adding -v as first
argument and passing all other args received as they are. By calling
redshift-gtk without arguments the spawned process was immediately exiting
(with error) and the python app quitted with a laconic 255 status and no
output. This should probably be reported upstream for better handling of

Using -l option with redshift-gtk I'm able to have a working Gtk UI for

As side note I think this would have been possibly highlighted earlier if
message #17 [1] had the full command+output paste.


[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=813553#17

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