On 02/28/2016 02:19 PM, Luca Ghio wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 14:05:56 -0800 tony mancill <tmanc...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Specifically, if you could try the fix suggested in the following and
>> report your findings, that would be helpful.
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=802701#25
> No, it doesn't work.

Hmmm... What window manager are you using?  It's a bit suspicious that
the application works correctly as root but not as a normal user for you.

You might want to check the ownership of the files beneath:


findbugs is going to want to write a prefs.xml file beneath that tree.
If the permissions and ownership all look reasonable, you might try
deleting the entire tree with:

  rm -rf ~/.java/.userPreferences/edu/umd/cs/findbugs

> I also tried to change the "/usr/lib/jvm/default-java" link to 
> "java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64" with no luck.

I tried going back and forth between 1.7 an 1.8 and wasn't able to cause
it to fail, so I don't think that's related.  Note however that the
wrapper script resolves "java" via /etc/alternatives/java, which points
directly to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java" on my
system, so changing "/usr/lib/jvm/default-java" may not have had the
desired effect.

You can use "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to set this up

Thank you,

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