On 03/03/16 07:39, gustavo panizzo wrote:

I didn't mean the F10 key or Shift+F10 key, I meant the menu key, the
one between alt and control (on my keyboard)

Oh, that. I forgot about it because I'm currently using a Mac, which doesn't have one.

Maybe I should report this bug upstream as it is a limitation on the
roxterm code not the packaging

Here is fine, I'm the sole person responsible for both, and I prefer Debian's bug tracking anyway. I'm not sure if this is really a bug though. I thought the intention for that key was that it was a desktop-wide GUI menu key, and as far as console applications are concerned it doesn't exist. Do you know some applications where it does something useful (by default - not just because xterm or something passes the even through and a user can configure it to do something)?

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