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Hi sorry for the late answer, it took a while to have time to dig into the 

>I'm confused, on a Ubuntu 16.04 clean environment everything works fine
>with multiarch support but on debian sid it does not work.
>Is there a different in multiarch support?

seems so.

the problem seems to come from "CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR", set because of the 
include of GNUInstallDirs.cmake

Probably the root of the issue is that *you* have a custom embedded 
GNUInstallDirs.cmake file, so it might be
outdated, or not working for a bunch of other reasons.
Also that file is different from the one you can find on an Ubuntu system

meld CMakeModules/GNUInstallDirs.cmake 

I see something like:
if(EXISTS "/etc/debian_version")
include(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/MultiArchCross.cmake OPTIONAL RESULT_VARIABLE 

probably the MultiArchCross.cmake is something Ubuntu specific [1], I'm not 
sure why Debian is not using it.

cmake (3.3.2-1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- debian/cmake-data.install
Add MultiArchCross.cmake to installed files.
(help cmake to find libraries in multiarch path)
xnox says this is not yet ready to go upstream but he will work on it
- debian/patches/ubuntu_boost-multiarch.patch
find boost and python in multiarch path
this is a candidate for removal but needs rdepend testing
* Search for Python 3.5.

you can override the issue probably by using the system Module (and drop the 
embedded stuff)
and using LIB_SUFFIX if it doesn't work [2]


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