On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 01:14:35AM +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > Back to your original report, there is no error in your logs, so X
> > configuration looks fine.  Can you run
> >   setxkbmap -layout fi,ru -variant ,phonetic -option -option 
> > grp:shifts_toggle
> > in a terminal?
> $ setxkbmap -v -layout fi,ru -variant ,phonetic -option -option 
> grp:shifts_toggle
> Warning! Multiple definitions of keyboard layout
>          Using command line, ignoring X server
> Warning! Multiple definitions of layout variant
>          Using command line, ignoring X server
> Trying to build keymap using the following components:
> keycodes:   xfree86+aliases(qwerty)
> types:      complete
> compat:     complete
> symbols:    
> pc/pc(pc105)+pc/fi+pc/ru(phonetic):2+group(shifts_toggle)+group(shifts_toggle)
> geometry:   pc(pc105)
> $

Ok, there is no error message, you can check that everything works fine.
I already committed a patch so that options are not listed twice.

> I notice that the above says xfree86. Shouldn't this be xorg?

No, you can see from /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg:
! model         =       keycodes
  macintosh_old =       macintosh
  powerpcps2    =       powerpcps2
  pc98          =       xfree98(pc98)
  abnt2         =       xfree86(abnt2)
  jp106         =       xfree86(jp106)
  *             =       xfree86
Thus all models not listed explicitly (like pc105) get keycodes from
/etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86, this is normal.

I see nothing wrong, xlibs works just fine, maybe this is a GNOME


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