
>sorry for nagging constantly but you expected to be done until middle
>last week.

No. I said I'd be done until middle of *this* week, and I actually got 
publishing the stuff on my todo list for tomorrow.

>Could you please, pretty please be more transparent by
>commiting your work to some public place.  It does not help at all if
>you silently work on problems others could help with.

Yes, I know that. However, the only problem to be solved is merging the two 
repositories, and having some remotes dangling around doing so does not make it 

PGP-Fingerprint: 3C9D 54A4 7575 C026 FB17 FD26 B79A 3C16 A0C4 F296

Dominik George · Mobil: +49-151-61623918

Teckids e.V. · FrOSCon e.V. · OpenRheinRuhr e.V.
Fellowship of the FSFE · Piratenpartei Deutschland
Opencaching Deutschland e.V. · Debian Contributor

LPIC-3 Linux Enterprise Professional (Security)

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