Hi Robert

[Please, next time, don't use CC directly, but use reportbug CC option
to handle the CC (something with X-Debug-CC or similar). Now I had to
figure out what the bug number was.]

Looking at your changelog and patch description, it seems that you found
a regression. Why did you not make that more explicit by filling a
separate bug?

+++ b/debian/changelog
> As a side effect, fix a bug introduced in
> 3.0034 that caused ucf to fail on not yet existing destination files.

I think I already saw issues with this in Launchpad bug 1553757¹,
although I am not sure under which conditions this actually happens
(just deleting the file didn't seem to do the trick, or did I not test


¹ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbconfig-common/+bug/1553757

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